Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Proverbs 31 Woman - The Inspiration

I never thought about being a writer/blogger - yes you heard me right!

I hate reading and I also hate writing - they seemed to be my sleeping pills ^.^ I was not hooked by any book sales, books given as a gift not even eBooks which can be downloaded for free! 

I believe reading/writing widens our territory of knowledge and a good exercise for the brain - but being so hardheaded it was never an interest.

Till the time comes that I was involved into all ladies group who studies the word of God. We have a different topic each week and our Bible Study Group leader really emphasizes women who have prominent characters - worthy of imitation. 

One Sunday afternoon, we had our discussion about "Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character" Proverbs 31:10-31 as the passage.

This time, I was hooked! I fell in love with this woman -  I even visualized this woman as me! I have been mentally stimulated by the passage. 

I started to thank and praise God for creating me as a woman -fearfully and wonderfully made!

Additionally, God blessed me with an interest – interest to explore and learn. Hence, I started to seek books and articles which further describe this woman and have anecdotes noted. 

When Blogger asked me for the blog name, of course the first thing that entered my mind is that woman - Her Name is Woman!

Getting more excited at starting my writing journey - weeww!

.....Her Name is Woman, taken from my Proverbs 31 journey.

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