Monday, May 20, 2013

There is more to BEAUTY than meets the eye..

While I was praying for the next post, God impressed me to get my old devotional book for women "Walking On: The Best of Women on the Journey" Compilation of 70 Filipino Christian Women - my favorite one. By His leading, I've grasped the book and browsed it all over again, as I have completed reading it. The first chapter is all about "Woman of Worth" which emphasizes the gift of Womanhood.

"What is the essence of being a woman?" - a very familiar beauty pageant question.

We may have different answers to this question - but God will be happier about His creations if we'll recognize our essence.

In my previous posts, we have defined a Woman. Getting closer, let's now talk about the qualities specifics and what determines her character in an identified way - beyond anyone else sees.

The first woman in the compilation is Zoraya Ruth Andam, a Filipino lawyer, beauty queen and television host. Quoting her lines in her journey as a woman...
" There is more to beauty than meets the eye. Women do not want to be remembered as a "pretty face". They desire to be affirmed for their significant and meaningful contribution to the society. Women are not inferior to men, they simply have a different role.

I came out with 3 simple points on how we can recognize woman's essence - more to beauty than meets the eye.
Not just a pretty face...
She's not just a pretty face
She's got everything it takes
She has a fashion line
a journalist for "Time"
Coaches a football team
She's a geologist -- romance novelist
She is a mother of three
She is a soldier -- she is a wife
She is a surgeon--she'll save your life
--Chorus in Shania Twain's song - "She's Not Just A Pretty Face"
From the lines above, it encompasses everything - not just a pretty face!
Women try to do great things surpassing the real definition or being a mother as the usual role in the society. Yes, God enabled women aside from creating them with an attractive and beautiful face.

Significant and meaningful contribution to the society...
As a sequel of the first point, let's identify some remarkable women in the society - women who changed the world.

Based on my research, Sappho (one of the first female writers) and Cleopatra (the last Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt) were the first in the list and J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter author) as the 50th as per hierarchy of years. See 
50 Famous Women who Changed the World

Biblically I can note Miriam (from the old testament), the older sister of Moses who went on to become a leader of the Hebrews when they escaped from Egypt and went in search of the Promised Land. And from the new testament, giving attention to Mary who became the mother of Jesus of Nazareth and one of the few women in the ancient world whose life story we know. We see her as a young girl, a mother, and a mature woman.

From the examples given, we can attest - Indeed, women had a significant and meaningful contribution during the old times and at present.

With a different and unique role...
In Genesis 1:27, women are said to be created in the image of God just as men are, yet there is a distinction between the two from the beginning. Motherhood would be the main difference.

Men and women are different in every ways. Women have their own unique roles just like men do. And yet despite the differences, God puts man and woman together to work together for His glory. The woman's role in the plan of God is that one man and one woman, of equal standing before Him but of different roles, should be bonded together as one.

God has a beautiful plan for womanhood that will bring order and fulfillment if it is followed in obedience and acted according to His will.

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